Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beauty Tip Of The week

Whenever your skin has had too much yellow or olive foundation, warm it up with some red foundation.


Blessed Tresses said...

If you have too much red can it be toned down with yellow foundation? At the MAC counter I was given NW43 but I feel it's too red for me. Could you give a suggestion on what I can do? Thanks and I love your blog.

Beauty Talk With Illusions said...

I Blessed Tresses! thanks for reaching out to us with your question. Yes, you most certainly can tone down red with a little yellow/green foundation. You could also use a yellow powder to set the foundation and tone it down. I hope this helps. Any more questions, leave them here or get them answered faster at info@illusionsbeauty.com. Be Beautiful & Blessed!!

Blessed Tresses said...

Ladies, thanks so much for your response and suggestions. I will definitely try this. Have a blessed day!