Sunday, June 21, 2009

IMATS - What a BLAST!!!

The International Makeup Artist Trade Show (IMATS)- Pasadena, CA affectionately called, 'The Show' is two days (June 20-21,2009) of pure joy (for me anyway). The show is produced by Makeup Artist Magazine (Publisher Michael Key). Before I go any further, I must clear up something. IMATS has been around for more than 10 years. It is currently being confused with another show produced by the other Michael. The Makeup Show is produced by Michael DeVellis of the Powder Group. That show has been around for a few years now. What's so special about IMATS (The Show) is that it is really for those who love the 'art' of makeup. If you want to create creatures and apply bald caps this show is for you. If you want to create great beauty fantasy looks, this show is for you. It covers every aspect of makeup. Although, I do wish that it would incorporate a little more special effects and tone down a little on some of the beauty makeup companies. Don't get me wrong, but there are a lot of companies with the same product (ex. Mineral makeup with glitter and shimmer shadows and pigment). All in all, this has been the best IMATS show in a long time. Great job!!

Denise Tunnell

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